The epithet "Anti-vaxxers" refers to a group of people who exercise critical thinking about vaccination. Those who are not anti-vaxxers are brainless lemmings who buy propaganda because it's on sale. One might well suppose that pro-vaxxers exhibit an utter lack of critical thinking skills to all matters where marketing affects their behavior. All in all, I think being an anti-vaxxer should be a compliment, not a put-down.
Yup dead or chronically ill and suffering, handicapped and unable to work, life will never be the same for some. And do they get any financial support from the ones who forced them to be jabbed? A big fat NO!
It took almost 200 years for physicians to stop the practice of blood letting after the best science of the time said it was causing more harm than good, and they didn't have nasty mega corporations running interference like they do regarding vaccines.
It began with the Smallpox, but Rockefeller was the one who bought up and funded all holistic schools of medicine insisting they incorporate his oil poisons and chemicals into the medi-sins or be shut down. Here is the real history - well researched. Feel free to share -
Thank you Dr. McCullough. We're very glad we didn't take them. We just lost a dear Marine friend who took Pfizer jabs. First he had clots, then heart problems, then he recently got "covid" or the flu or whatever and they gave him Remdesivir and shut down his kidneys. He died. Two others had strokes and one ended up with dementia as well. Another friend died in hospital because of the horrid protocols. I loved your book with John Leake. Bought several copies and gave them to friends. Did the same with Dr. Kory's book.
Thanks again for all your efforts on saving lives. Greatly appreciated whether people tell you that or not. You are loved and appreciated and so is John!
Very well-written article, I sure hope you're right. It looks more promising than ever, no doubt. Despite all the recent happenings, I'm not counting the chickens yet. It's been obvious to me, and many others, that the medical system and regulators have been totally corrupt for decades. Just as obvious is that what passes for "science" has been nothing of the sort for decades, it's been greed and agenda driven. Yet, the rank and file of the medical workforce, academia, government, and most everybody else apparently believed in the system. To be surrounded by naivete on such a scale is no reason for hope. As Mencken supposedly said,, "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". The best predictor of future performance is past performance. I fear the "awakening" will be temporary - the vast majority just want to believe. Happy to take the wins for now, we'll see how it goes.
They have been corrupt for well over a century. For that matter, the evil doers have been around for centuries and civilizations. We are just seeing them more prevalent in this Apocalyptic Revelation
It's the inherent nature of institutions to become corrupt over time, even if mostly benevolent initially. Every time. And individuals who seek out and obtain power are overwhelmingly self-serving manipulators. Altruistic leaders exist, but are the exception. That most people deny these obvious truths is a very unfortunate quality of our species. The founders of the USA understood this and so based our founding documents on the fact that the authorities can NEVER be trusted. You are correct that it's always been this way, the scamdemic was just such an in-our-face pack of obvious lies more are receptive to the truth, at least for now.
Hesitancy is the wrong word. I simply don't use any big pharma products because there is no proof that they would make me healthier than not using them. Since I am nearing 75, so far so great.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for being on the right side of this and working towards the massive change that must happen. And it can't happen soon enough. I find myself on this Thanksgiving day being so grateful and optimistic about the future again.
Was the Covid mass vaccination campaign "all about obedience"?
Could it also have been about windfall profits for pharmaceutical corporations, hospitals, doctors, and even the government regulators and scientists who were supposedly ensuring the safety and efficacy of the vaccines?
Dare we ask why no meaningful provision was made for compensating and treating the millions of people who experienced adverse effects from virtually untested products injected into their bloodstream?
Is it possible that a program so dangerous and on such a vast worldwide scale could have been motivated by a genocidal intent? If so, who might have demonstrated such intent in any other context?
September, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" became six months. "Just two more weeks." Or until a miracle Warp Speed vaccine comes out...without time trials for long term safety. While flu deaths remained zero and Covid deaths rose, the other causes of death begin to return to normal as hospitals no longer call car accidents Covid deaths after the monetary incentive for those diagnosis drew unwanted attention to the practice.
- Covid was such a supervirus that it outright killed the flu! Questions begin to be raised about vaccines generating false positives after inoculations, how could getting vaccinated not result in positive test result and quarantine?
October, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" became seven months. "Just two more weeks" or the miracle vaccine! Normal flu season begins, but no flu, only Covid. Covid really did kill the flu! But deer test positive for Covid by Wildlife managers in remote wilderness. And zoo animals. Humans blamed for spreading Covid to the animal kingdom. More quarantine, lockdowns, masks, harsher punishments for violators. Some states begin to open, Florida called dangerous, governor DeSantis a murderer, his disobedience would cause the entire nation to never get out of the pandemic.
- Humans should really not hang out with wildlife, share beers with the deer, kiss on them and socialize with zoo animals, they're giving them Covid!! Common sense among health professionals gone.
November, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" became eight months. "Just two more weeks." Flu season arrives...with zero flu deaths or severe illness. Covid...spikes! More evidence that Covid killed the flu!! Remember, CDC guidance classified every single respiratory death as Covid. News of vaccine being released arrives. First ones administered in India. India had very low Covid experience for most of 2020 before the vaccines were given. Questions about PCR test accuracy remained. Ignored by health officials and politicians.
- Covid pandemic sustained by reclassifying flu deaths and illness as Covid. Sustained by continuation of 95% false positive PCR tests. And media hype. A pandemic of statistical sleight-of-hand. But the vaccines were almost ready for the US! The fear hype needed to be maintained.
December, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" became nine months. "Just two more weeks." And the vaccines were here! Get your vaccine and end Covid! Zero Covid was possible! Elderly, most at risk step right up, get ready to roll up your arms. Delta variant outbreak hits India, just weeks after the mass vaccination campaign. Masking still required, even children at the lowest risk needing social emotional development, free faces for proper learning, socialization. Health care professionals, nurses, doctors, required to get vaccinated early on. Even those who had been exposed and had developed natural immunity - 100% of them.
- Vaccines are known by medical science to shed. Despite assertions they don't. Even Fauci later admitted this fact. But the timeline in India for Delta was exactly what would be expected after the mass vaccination campaign. The vaccines caused Delta. Natural immunity was declared a "New Age health myth" Health professionals who knew they were naturally immune were still required to be vaccinated. All medical science and research for all of eternity, common sense was tossed. The same frontline worker "heroes" were deemed "zeroes" for refusing to take vaccine they didn't need. Made outcasts by their bosses and coworkers who lost touch with reality.
2021: Vaccines arrive! PCR tests are adjusted and ignored following vaccinations, quarantine didn't apply for those who were shedding vaccines! And you needed two of them. And if you died from the vaccines within two weeks of the of taking them - both - your death was declared "unvaccinated." Mask mandates continued, even for the vaccinated! After being promised they could take off the masks if they were vaccinated!
- Even though the same Delta variant outbreak took over in the US following the mass vaccination campaigns as they did in India, 4-8 weeks after vaccination was peak hospitalization and death. Masks deemed necessary in perpetuity, until "Zero Covid" was achieved. Just needed 70% vaccination uptake...80% vaccination uptake...90% vaccination uptake...100% vaccination uptake!
This history is unwritten by this author. As if the vaccines themselves are why the medical field isn't trusted today and "vaccine hesitancy" exists. It was EVERYTHING that was said and done in 2020 that turned out to be lie after lie after lie after lie. "Science" speeding along to whatever the politicians and health officials said it needed to say. It can't be forgotten, unlearned, excused as "mistakes were made, we were scared, it was a crisis, it couldn't be helped."
The allopathic medical industry beclowned themselves, revealed to be full of liars and frauds. Truly stupid people devoid of common sense. Who will injure and harm their patients if their bosses tell them to. Even the doctors and nurses who knew better revealed that they value their license to practice and job more than their patient's lives. Trust: GONE! Obliterated. Deservedly so.
They harmed us. They showed us exactly why so many German doctors were Nazi's even before the rest of Germany joined the party.
Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, October 3, 2012
And became the leading agents of death in the mass murdering Reich, Victor Brack's "The needle belongs in the hand of a doctor" boast witnessing the first gas chamber murders of "undesirables." Allopathic medicine isn't trusted because it's earned distrust. Two mass-murder events in less than a century should result in the entire system being blown up and the earth under it salted so it never grows to threaten mankind again.
Any true healers who followed their heart to help heal the sick would be wise to abandon ship and become talented natural healers, homeopaths, naturopaths, ayurvedics, herbalists, TCM, etc practitioners. Healing practices that don't result in the third leading cause of death, Iatrocide, "death by doctor" like the practice of allopathic medicine is. Damn straight you lost the trust medical doctors and nurses! And pray God, you NEVER get it back!
This is a very short-sighted, abridged version of what happened beginning in 2020 that led up to where the author enters the stage attempting to address "vaccine hesitancy" and lack of trust in the medical system.
While I could go back to Flexner, I'll just let what the medical system did beginning in 2020 that forfeited trust in it, generated outright hostility to it sufficient to provoke a comprehensive examination of it that revealed how untrustworthy the entire field of allopathy is.
January, 2020: Trump travel ban from China at reports of a bad flu ----> "Racist xenophobe, that's not how pandemic influenza is addressed."
- ALL pre-2020 pandemic plans, guides, billions of dollars of research, trillions of research hours from over a century of study said travel bans don't work to stop respiratory illness like the flu.
February-March, 2020: Reports of disease hop-scotch across the globe, borders immaterial, northern/southern hemisphere winter/summer immaterial, jumping oceans but not to neighboring communities just ten miles across a border. Diamond Princess outbreak announced. Passengers quarantined.
- ALL pre-2020 epidemiological study said that's not how infectious disease travels. Chances of approaches zero percent. Mostly elderly population, highest risk, had negligible adverse outcomes. Lots of fear hype that didn't match the reality, proven to not be especially deadly disease.
March, 2020: US announces lockdown, modeled after totalitarian model. Never done before in history of the world. No proof, just assertions it would work - but just two weeks were needed to "flatten the curve." The world stop. For a flu. That only media news reports told us was deadly. The same media news that has told hyped up lie after lie after lie, "if it bleeds it leads," and then expects to be trusted.
- ALL medical journals and experts - except one Neil Ferguson, known liar and publisher of fraudulent studies at Imperial College, home of climate fraud
March, 2020: Community masking suggested, health professionals, Fauci said they don't work. Weeks later health professionals, Fauci said masks work, suggests community masking. Health care facilities require masks, prohibit families from visiting patients. Masks that just weeks before were known as "placebo masks" now given protective superpowers.
- ALL medical research said community masking doesn't work. Decades of study. CDC, WHO, JAMA, NEJM. Weeks later CDC, says masks work, good idea. Voluntary compliance grows with suggestions. Placebo means fake effectiveness, just for visual effect. Who knew they were actually effective? Even bandana's!!
April, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" becomes one month, and counting. "Just another two weeks, promise." JAMA, NEJM, WHO say community masking doesn't make sense, is overreaction, fear. CDC/NIH say no RCT studies will ever be available that show masks work. Trust their anecdotal, observational, correlation is causality. PCR testing begins, novel and unproven use of tool to make infection diagnosis. The abusive misuse of PCR tests to imprison individuals and entire populations
- No "gold standard" PCT research ever demonstrates mask efficacy. "Trust us" demands without earning trust. PCR tests are known by virologists to only tell part of a story of infection, that replication must also be detected for diagnosis of infection. Whispers about high cycles of test rendering them useless begin to spread.
May, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" becomes two months, and counting. "Just another two weeks, promise." JAMA, NEJM retract articles that said community masking doesn't make sense, is an overreaction. Apologies for the poor choice of words, declarations that masks work. History, science is rewritten overnight. "Science moves at the speed of science." Dancing nurses in "overcrowded" hospitals make the airwaves. Protests against lockdowns, closures, masking, virtual school, gain speed. Squashed, "too dangerous."
- Observational science, correlation, anecdotal science NEVER displaces RCT science. Never. Science moves at glacial speeds, not on a dime. Health care facilities and medical staff at elective health hospitals shuttered and idled. What about those "overcrowded" hospitals?
June, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" becomes three months, and counting. "Just two more weeks." BLM protests begin, the Summer of Love beatification of St George Floyd. Those protests deemed legitimate by medical professionals, outweighed the pandemic risk. Asthma patients and others with restricted breathing issues required to wear masks to visit their doctors. Who knew their patients were struggling to breath in them. Who knew wet, warm masks are petri dishes teeming with dangerous microbiology humans aren't supposed to reinhale. CDC stops counting flu deaths, all respiratory deaths classified as Covid. All patients PCR testing positive for Covid upon admission, even for car accidents, are deemed Covid illness or death.
- Unlike those protests against lockdowns, closures, masking, virtual schools, pandemic risk too great for those protests. Even respiratory specialist doctors discarded their knowledge and training, and common sense and forced their patients to harm themselves as described just to see them. Flu disappears. Most causes of death have sharp decline...except for Covid's explosion. How'd that happen?
July, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" becomes fourth months, and counting. "Just two more weeks." Reports begin coming out of Sweden that they never shut down, never required masks, never closed schools and their death/severe illness rate was low. People arrested for going to parks, beaches, refusing to mask. Denied services at businesses. Restaurants begin to open at limited capacity, many only outdoors. Masks required for ten-foot walk from hostess stand, then could be removed at table.
- The (squashed) protestors trying to get voice through the social media censors citing Sweden experience have their accounts censored, kicked off social media. All prior medical understanding of infectious disease discarded by entire medical profession. Common sense left the building.
August, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" became five months. "Just two more weeks." WHO finally changes mask guidance to repeat what JAMA/NEJM/CDC had earlier reversed and suggested community masking "where it makes sense for nations, cultures." New York Times reveals PCR tests were horribly inaccurate, far too many cycles, 95% false positives.
- No other media reports NYT story, health officials ignore, misused PCR tests continue to be used to imprison, quarantine individuals and cities. Revelation of weaponized PCR tests squashing liberty is memory-holed, the tree fell in the forest, nobody heard.
Dr Diaz, I think you need to speak to Dr Battycharia because according to him, you are an anti-vaccine fanatic. He is totally on board with the Covid shots except for kids, calls them safe and never even brings out the adverse effects so commonplace.
Dr Battycharia , is a 100% arsehole, controlled opposition, and willing to cull the elderly, he can f*ck off bigtime, an EVIL idiot playing the eugenic game
All chemical compounds injected into the human body are toxic. It is a matter of whether the adverse toxicity affects are significantly outweighed by the prophylactic protective benefit. The obvious answer that, as we now know, is NO to almost all.
The epithet "Anti-vaxxers" refers to a group of people who exercise critical thinking about vaccination. Those who are not anti-vaxxers are brainless lemmings who buy propaganda because it's on sale. One might well suppose that pro-vaxxers exhibit an utter lack of critical thinking skills to all matters where marketing affects their behavior. All in all, I think being an anti-vaxxer should be a compliment, not a put-down.
I take it that way.
The truth is people don't want to talk about it but prople know people are dropping dead, and at very young ages.
Even in the womb. The numbers of still births have increased 80% since the beginning of the poison darts.
Yup dead or chronically ill and suffering, handicapped and unable to work, life will never be the same for some. And do they get any financial support from the ones who forced them to be jabbed? A big fat NO!
It took almost 200 years for physicians to stop the practice of blood letting after the best science of the time said it was causing more harm than good, and they didn't have nasty mega corporations running interference like they do regarding vaccines.
We can't wait that long
Was pre rockefeller corrupting the medical system?
It began with the Smallpox, but Rockefeller was the one who bought up and funded all holistic schools of medicine insisting they incorporate his oil poisons and chemicals into the medi-sins or be shut down. Here is the real history - well researched. Feel free to share -
Excellent essay Dr. Diaz. Thank you.
Thank you Dr. McCullough. We're very glad we didn't take them. We just lost a dear Marine friend who took Pfizer jabs. First he had clots, then heart problems, then he recently got "covid" or the flu or whatever and they gave him Remdesivir and shut down his kidneys. He died. Two others had strokes and one ended up with dementia as well. Another friend died in hospital because of the horrid protocols. I loved your book with John Leake. Bought several copies and gave them to friends. Did the same with Dr. Kory's book.
Thanks again for all your efforts on saving lives. Greatly appreciated whether people tell you that or not. You are loved and appreciated and so is John!
Bless you both. Glad RFK Jr. in HHS.
Very well-written article, I sure hope you're right. It looks more promising than ever, no doubt. Despite all the recent happenings, I'm not counting the chickens yet. It's been obvious to me, and many others, that the medical system and regulators have been totally corrupt for decades. Just as obvious is that what passes for "science" has been nothing of the sort for decades, it's been greed and agenda driven. Yet, the rank and file of the medical workforce, academia, government, and most everybody else apparently believed in the system. To be surrounded by naivete on such a scale is no reason for hope. As Mencken supposedly said,, "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". The best predictor of future performance is past performance. I fear the "awakening" will be temporary - the vast majority just want to believe. Happy to take the wins for now, we'll see how it goes.
They have been corrupt for well over a century. For that matter, the evil doers have been around for centuries and civilizations. We are just seeing them more prevalent in this Apocalyptic Revelation
It's the inherent nature of institutions to become corrupt over time, even if mostly benevolent initially. Every time. And individuals who seek out and obtain power are overwhelmingly self-serving manipulators. Altruistic leaders exist, but are the exception. That most people deny these obvious truths is a very unfortunate quality of our species. The founders of the USA understood this and so based our founding documents on the fact that the authorities can NEVER be trusted. You are correct that it's always been this way, the scamdemic was just such an in-our-face pack of obvious lies more are receptive to the truth, at least for now.
The Public Health authorities lied to the public. They can never be trusted again.
Hesitancy is the wrong word. I simply don't use any big pharma products because there is no proof that they would make me healthier than not using them. Since I am nearing 75, so far so great.
When Jonas Salk discovered the polio vaccine, he wanted it freely available to all, and wanted no royalties. It was a gift to humanity.
By contrast, I understand the pharmacuticals companies have made over 90 billion dollars marketing the covid "vaccines".
Something to consider.
Jonas Salk was a complete clown if it helps....His garbage saved NOBODY
Thank you, thank you, thank you for being on the right side of this and working towards the massive change that must happen. And it can't happen soon enough. I find myself on this Thanksgiving day being so grateful and optimistic about the future again.
Was the Covid mass vaccination campaign "all about obedience"?
Could it also have been about windfall profits for pharmaceutical corporations, hospitals, doctors, and even the government regulators and scientists who were supposedly ensuring the safety and efficacy of the vaccines?
Dare we ask why no meaningful provision was made for compensating and treating the millions of people who experienced adverse effects from virtually untested products injected into their bloodstream?
Is it possible that a program so dangerous and on such a vast worldwide scale could have been motivated by a genocidal intent? If so, who might have demonstrated such intent in any other context?
(con't comment above)
September, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" became six months. "Just two more weeks." Or until a miracle Warp Speed vaccine comes out...without time trials for long term safety. While flu deaths remained zero and Covid deaths rose, the other causes of death begin to return to normal as hospitals no longer call car accidents Covid deaths after the monetary incentive for those diagnosis drew unwanted attention to the practice.
- Covid was such a supervirus that it outright killed the flu! Questions begin to be raised about vaccines generating false positives after inoculations, how could getting vaccinated not result in positive test result and quarantine?
October, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" became seven months. "Just two more weeks" or the miracle vaccine! Normal flu season begins, but no flu, only Covid. Covid really did kill the flu! But deer test positive for Covid by Wildlife managers in remote wilderness. And zoo animals. Humans blamed for spreading Covid to the animal kingdom. More quarantine, lockdowns, masks, harsher punishments for violators. Some states begin to open, Florida called dangerous, governor DeSantis a murderer, his disobedience would cause the entire nation to never get out of the pandemic.
- Humans should really not hang out with wildlife, share beers with the deer, kiss on them and socialize with zoo animals, they're giving them Covid!! Common sense among health professionals gone.
November, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" became eight months. "Just two more weeks." Flu season arrives...with zero flu deaths or severe illness. Covid...spikes! More evidence that Covid killed the flu!! Remember, CDC guidance classified every single respiratory death as Covid. News of vaccine being released arrives. First ones administered in India. India had very low Covid experience for most of 2020 before the vaccines were given. Questions about PCR test accuracy remained. Ignored by health officials and politicians.
- Covid pandemic sustained by reclassifying flu deaths and illness as Covid. Sustained by continuation of 95% false positive PCR tests. And media hype. A pandemic of statistical sleight-of-hand. But the vaccines were almost ready for the US! The fear hype needed to be maintained.
December, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" became nine months. "Just two more weeks." And the vaccines were here! Get your vaccine and end Covid! Zero Covid was possible! Elderly, most at risk step right up, get ready to roll up your arms. Delta variant outbreak hits India, just weeks after the mass vaccination campaign. Masking still required, even children at the lowest risk needing social emotional development, free faces for proper learning, socialization. Health care professionals, nurses, doctors, required to get vaccinated early on. Even those who had been exposed and had developed natural immunity - 100% of them.
- Vaccines are known by medical science to shed. Despite assertions they don't. Even Fauci later admitted this fact. But the timeline in India for Delta was exactly what would be expected after the mass vaccination campaign. The vaccines caused Delta. Natural immunity was declared a "New Age health myth" Health professionals who knew they were naturally immune were still required to be vaccinated. All medical science and research for all of eternity, common sense was tossed. The same frontline worker "heroes" were deemed "zeroes" for refusing to take vaccine they didn't need. Made outcasts by their bosses and coworkers who lost touch with reality.
2021: Vaccines arrive! PCR tests are adjusted and ignored following vaccinations, quarantine didn't apply for those who were shedding vaccines! And you needed two of them. And if you died from the vaccines within two weeks of the of taking them - both - your death was declared "unvaccinated." Mask mandates continued, even for the vaccinated! After being promised they could take off the masks if they were vaccinated!
- Even though the same Delta variant outbreak took over in the US following the mass vaccination campaigns as they did in India, 4-8 weeks after vaccination was peak hospitalization and death. Masks deemed necessary in perpetuity, until "Zero Covid" was achieved. Just needed 70% vaccination uptake...80% vaccination uptake...90% vaccination uptake...100% vaccination uptake!
This history is unwritten by this author. As if the vaccines themselves are why the medical field isn't trusted today and "vaccine hesitancy" exists. It was EVERYTHING that was said and done in 2020 that turned out to be lie after lie after lie after lie. "Science" speeding along to whatever the politicians and health officials said it needed to say. It can't be forgotten, unlearned, excused as "mistakes were made, we were scared, it was a crisis, it couldn't be helped."
The allopathic medical industry beclowned themselves, revealed to be full of liars and frauds. Truly stupid people devoid of common sense. Who will injure and harm their patients if their bosses tell them to. Even the doctors and nurses who knew better revealed that they value their license to practice and job more than their patient's lives. Trust: GONE! Obliterated. Deservedly so.
They harmed us. They showed us exactly why so many German doctors were Nazi's even before the rest of Germany joined the party.
Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, October 3, 2012
And became the leading agents of death in the mass murdering Reich, Victor Brack's "The needle belongs in the hand of a doctor" boast witnessing the first gas chamber murders of "undesirables." Allopathic medicine isn't trusted because it's earned distrust. Two mass-murder events in less than a century should result in the entire system being blown up and the earth under it salted so it never grows to threaten mankind again.
Any true healers who followed their heart to help heal the sick would be wise to abandon ship and become talented natural healers, homeopaths, naturopaths, ayurvedics, herbalists, TCM, etc practitioners. Healing practices that don't result in the third leading cause of death, Iatrocide, "death by doctor" like the practice of allopathic medicine is. Damn straight you lost the trust medical doctors and nurses! And pray God, you NEVER get it back!
This is a very short-sighted, abridged version of what happened beginning in 2020 that led up to where the author enters the stage attempting to address "vaccine hesitancy" and lack of trust in the medical system.
While I could go back to Flexner, I'll just let what the medical system did beginning in 2020 that forfeited trust in it, generated outright hostility to it sufficient to provoke a comprehensive examination of it that revealed how untrustworthy the entire field of allopathy is.
January, 2020: Trump travel ban from China at reports of a bad flu ----> "Racist xenophobe, that's not how pandemic influenza is addressed."
- ALL pre-2020 pandemic plans, guides, billions of dollars of research, trillions of research hours from over a century of study said travel bans don't work to stop respiratory illness like the flu.
February-March, 2020: Reports of disease hop-scotch across the globe, borders immaterial, northern/southern hemisphere winter/summer immaterial, jumping oceans but not to neighboring communities just ten miles across a border. Diamond Princess outbreak announced. Passengers quarantined.
- ALL pre-2020 epidemiological study said that's not how infectious disease travels. Chances of approaches zero percent. Mostly elderly population, highest risk, had negligible adverse outcomes. Lots of fear hype that didn't match the reality, proven to not be especially deadly disease.
March, 2020: US announces lockdown, modeled after totalitarian model. Never done before in history of the world. No proof, just assertions it would work - but just two weeks were needed to "flatten the curve." The world stop. For a flu. That only media news reports told us was deadly. The same media news that has told hyped up lie after lie after lie, "if it bleeds it leads," and then expects to be trusted.
- ALL medical journals and experts - except one Neil Ferguson, known liar and publisher of fraudulent studies at Imperial College, home of climate fraud
( - said was overreaction. Civil liberties organizations railed at Trump for his dictatorial power grab, laid out strategies on how to oppose.
March, 2020: Community masking suggested, health professionals, Fauci said they don't work. Weeks later health professionals, Fauci said masks work, suggests community masking. Health care facilities require masks, prohibit families from visiting patients. Masks that just weeks before were known as "placebo masks" now given protective superpowers.
- ALL medical research said community masking doesn't work. Decades of study. CDC, WHO, JAMA, NEJM. Weeks later CDC, says masks work, good idea. Voluntary compliance grows with suggestions. Placebo means fake effectiveness, just for visual effect. Who knew they were actually effective? Even bandana's!!
April, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" becomes one month, and counting. "Just another two weeks, promise." JAMA, NEJM, WHO say community masking doesn't make sense, is overreaction, fear. CDC/NIH say no RCT studies will ever be available that show masks work. Trust their anecdotal, observational, correlation is causality. PCR testing begins, novel and unproven use of tool to make infection diagnosis. The abusive misuse of PCR tests to imprison individuals and entire populations
- No "gold standard" PCT research ever demonstrates mask efficacy. "Trust us" demands without earning trust. PCR tests are known by virologists to only tell part of a story of infection, that replication must also be detected for diagnosis of infection. Whispers about high cycles of test rendering them useless begin to spread.
May, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" becomes two months, and counting. "Just another two weeks, promise." JAMA, NEJM retract articles that said community masking doesn't make sense, is an overreaction. Apologies for the poor choice of words, declarations that masks work. History, science is rewritten overnight. "Science moves at the speed of science." Dancing nurses in "overcrowded" hospitals make the airwaves. Protests against lockdowns, closures, masking, virtual school, gain speed. Squashed, "too dangerous."
- Observational science, correlation, anecdotal science NEVER displaces RCT science. Never. Science moves at glacial speeds, not on a dime. Health care facilities and medical staff at elective health hospitals shuttered and idled. What about those "overcrowded" hospitals?
June, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" becomes three months, and counting. "Just two more weeks." BLM protests begin, the Summer of Love beatification of St George Floyd. Those protests deemed legitimate by medical professionals, outweighed the pandemic risk. Asthma patients and others with restricted breathing issues required to wear masks to visit their doctors. Who knew their patients were struggling to breath in them. Who knew wet, warm masks are petri dishes teeming with dangerous microbiology humans aren't supposed to reinhale. CDC stops counting flu deaths, all respiratory deaths classified as Covid. All patients PCR testing positive for Covid upon admission, even for car accidents, are deemed Covid illness or death.
- Unlike those protests against lockdowns, closures, masking, virtual schools, pandemic risk too great for those protests. Even respiratory specialist doctors discarded their knowledge and training, and common sense and forced their patients to harm themselves as described just to see them. Flu disappears. Most causes of death have sharp decline...except for Covid's explosion. How'd that happen?
July, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" becomes fourth months, and counting. "Just two more weeks." Reports begin coming out of Sweden that they never shut down, never required masks, never closed schools and their death/severe illness rate was low. People arrested for going to parks, beaches, refusing to mask. Denied services at businesses. Restaurants begin to open at limited capacity, many only outdoors. Masks required for ten-foot walk from hostess stand, then could be removed at table.
- The (squashed) protestors trying to get voice through the social media censors citing Sweden experience have their accounts censored, kicked off social media. All prior medical understanding of infectious disease discarded by entire medical profession. Common sense left the building.
August, 2020: "Two weeks to flatten the curve" became five months. "Just two more weeks." WHO finally changes mask guidance to repeat what JAMA/NEJM/CDC had earlier reversed and suggested community masking "where it makes sense for nations, cultures." New York Times reveals PCR tests were horribly inaccurate, far too many cycles, 95% false positives.
- No other media reports NYT story, health officials ignore, misused PCR tests continue to be used to imprison, quarantine individuals and cities. Revelation of weaponized PCR tests squashing liberty is memory-holed, the tree fell in the forest, nobody heard.
(con't next comment)
Dr Diaz, I think you need to speak to Dr Battycharia because according to him, you are an anti-vaccine fanatic. He is totally on board with the Covid shots except for kids, calls them safe and never even brings out the adverse effects so commonplace.
Thank you for posting that excellent link as it was news to me.
Dr Battycharia , is a 100% arsehole, controlled opposition, and willing to cull the elderly, he can f*ck off bigtime, an EVIL idiot playing the eugenic game
All chemical compounds injected into the human body are toxic. It is a matter of whether the adverse toxicity affects are significantly outweighed by the prophylactic protective benefit. The obvious answer that, as we now know, is NO to almost all.
Not to be argumentative, but I'm not sure miscreants admitting they were wrong is required before they can be arrested and prosecuted.